Facing the Changes: The Changing Nature of doing Business in the Arab Markets
Friday, 15 April 2016: 7.00am – 2.30pm
The Printworks, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
The Arab – Irish Chamber of Commerce are organising the 2nd Arab-Irish Business Forum. This is a must-attend event featuring high-level speakers from both Ireland and the region, covering a range of practical issues that could have a significant impact on the success of your operations in the region.
With guest speakers drawing from their own experiences, this forum will offer strategic advice, new insight and information that could make a real difference to your business.
The economic, political and social landscapes in the region are changing at pace, presenting unprecedented opportunities and new challenges for Irish companies doing business there.
From working with family-owned companies to navigating the political landscape, the forum will be of benefit to companies of all sizes and from every sector and will examine issues such as;
- The short and medium-term impact of collapsing oil prices
- Economic and political overview
- Growth sectors and promising new markets
- Legal and policy changes and their implications for Irish businesses
- Optimising opportunities for growth
- Interaction with Government organisations
The Forum will feature presentations, Q&A sessions, practical advice and case studies and will provide delegates with an opportunity to network with senior executives from both Ireland and the Arab countries.
The event is being organised by the Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce, Clyde & Co, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bord Bia, Emirates Airline and Enterprise Ireland and we will contact you again in the coming weeks with details on how to register, together with an event programme.
This is a unique opportunity to get exposure to a wide variety of insights from more than ten speakers who will address some of the key and indeed, pressing issues in Middle East and Gulf markets. So save the date and we look forward to seeing you on April 15.
You can also check for updates on Twitter #ArabIrishForum