On the occasion of the United Arab Emirates being the Honored Country of the 86th International Fair of Thessaloniki (10-18 September, 2022), the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, in collaboration with TIF-HELEXPO, is organizing the Greece-UAE Business Gathering in the framework of the 3rd Thessaloniki Helexpo Forum, at the International Congress Centre “Ioannis Vellidis”.
The agenda includes three vital business sectors for the bilateral relations of the two countries, providing the platform for deliberations and discussions on the prospects of further enhancing the already tight cooperation in issues of strategic importance, as well as trade and investment. The speakers are invited political personalities, as well as important figures and stakeholders from the two sides.
10:00 – 10:30 Opening Session
10:30 – 11:30 Session 1: Identifying Potential for Cooperation in Maritime, Port Industries & Environmental Waste Management
11:30 – 12:30 Session 2: Agri-Food and Fish Farming: Bilateral Exchange of Experiences and Potential Cooperation
12:30 – 13:30 Session 3: Opportunities for Investment with Particular Focus on Tourism and Real Estate Industries
The detailed program with the speakers can be found HERE.
The event can be attended in person or via online streaming. Interested parties can visit Thessaloniki Fair website: https://thessalonikifair.gr/en / https://www.thessaloniki-helexpo-forum.gr/el and for more information regarding the forum please contact sa@helexpo.gr and ek@helexpo.gr or visit www.thessaloniki-helexpo-forum.gr. For General Information about the 86th TIF: Secretariat Katerina Benaki, +30 2310 291232, tif@helexpo.gr & for UAE Pavilion 13: Katerina Traptsioni, +30 2310 291188, ktrap@helexpo.gr